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Featured Listings
Selling on Marketplace
Sell directly to other baristas and coffee businesses
Opt for a featured listing when you want to increase visibility. Featured listings are:
- displayed first
- also displayed on similar listings
- prioritised in proximity searches and local listings
Some Featured Items
La Marzocco Linea Mini - barely used
Stunning Red & Chome Conti X-One TC 2G
Tone Touch 03 White
Victoria Arduino Eagle One Prima espresso machine
La Marzocco Linea Classic 2AV
Use Stats to successfully sell on Marketplace
Stats are in beta
Items typically sell between 50 and 200 visitors.
Most people search (not scroll) when browsing on Marketplace. Featured listings increase an item’s visibility to more potential buyers.
If your listing has had lots of visitors and is yet to sell it’s a signal that your listing lacks key information or the price is too high.
If you listing has low visitor numbers, you should update the image, title and feature text to make it more attractive, plus consider promoting the listing to boost exposure.
You can opt to feature an item when first listings on Marketplace or anytime before the listing expires from your Account.