The High Volume Edit 2024

Coffee equipment set ups for maximum speed of service

Need for speed

Use automation for accuracy and efficiency

Harnessing the power of technology

If your business plan is built on a high volume of coffee sales, this edit sets you up for success. Each of these products incorporate automation to measure, weight and dose – facilitating quality along with speed-of-service. You can upgrade elements of your set up or design a new workflow using the latest technologies.

Victoria Arduino Black Eagle Maverick

Espresso Machine Catalogue
Introducing the Black Eagle Maverick, Victoria Arduino's most intelligent and user-friendly coffee machine to...
Equipment Store
  • Gravimetric
  • Volumetric
Group options
  • 2 Groups
  • 3 Groups

Compak Bolt 83

Grinder Catalogue
83 mm ⌀ burrs • 1600 rpm • 1.25 Kg hopper capacity • 610 W motor • Predose function
Equipment Store
  • Red Speed Burrs

Puqpress M6

Barista Tools Catalogue
Designed for a seamless fit with the latest Victoria Arduino Mythos MY 75 (G) / MY 85 (G).